Together we can thrive.


十大正规赌博平台大全致力于为十大正规赌博平台大全生活、工作和娱乐的社区做好事. Gainwell Cares通过与非营利组织合作来回馈社会,这些非营利组织与十大正规赌博平台大全一样热衷于帮助人们过上幸福的生活, healthier lives.

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The Giving Program supports our communities in six ways:

  1. 建立强大,繁荣的社区,Gainwell员工生活和工作
  2. 通过为所有人提供优质医疗保健服务,促进医疗保健公平
  3. Addresses healthcare disparities in underserved communities
  4. 开发创新技术,改变提供医疗保健的方式
  5. 侧重于十大正规赌博平台大全排行和人类服务,包括多样性、公平和包容
  6. Provides aid and support to communities impacted by natural disasters

Frequently Asked Questions

下面的常见问题解答提供了有关Gainwell Cares Giving Program和The application process.

1. What are the criteria for grant assistance?


In addition, grant proposals must:
• Support one of the six focus areas outlined above
• Clearly describe how the grant funds will be used
• Include a method to track and measure program outcomes
• Demonstrate fiscal responsibility

2. What characteristics do the most competitive proposals share?

The strongest proposals address the following questions:

•你的计划或倡议将如何使你所服务的社区受益? 如果获得拨款,您将如何衡量您的计划或倡议的结果?
•您的组织将如何利用Gainwell Cares的资源来鼓励其他实体的捐赠?

3. What types of organizations and projects are not eligible?

Gainwell Cares does not provide support for the following:

• Individual aid or personal support
• Labor or fraternal organizations
• Religious or evangelical organizations
• Trade associations
• Organizations that conflict with Gainwell’s non-discrimination policy
• Capital campaigns
• Endowments or private foundations
• Research projects
• Fundraising events, galas or dinners

4. 我可以把我的请求直接发给主管、代表或员工吗?

申请和拨款请求可能不会提交给Gainwell高管, employees, customers, suppliers, vendors, or other representatives. 补助金申请只能在开放补助金周期内通过电子邮件提交以供考虑.

5. When must applications be received?

申请必须在资助周期最后一天的中央标准时间晚上11:59之前收到. 申请不能在资助周期开始的第一个日期之前提交.

6. May I submit requests throughout the year?

Grant requests may not be submitted outside of the open grant cycle.

7. May I mail my grant request for consideration?


8. Are grants transferable?


9. How will I know the status of my application?

You will receive notification by email.

10. When will I be contacted about the status of my application?


11. Will I receive full or partial funding?

已批准奖助金的资金可能因计划、计划、组织和可用资金而异. Gainwell Cares保留批准向组织提供部分或全部赠款的权利.

12. What documents will my organization need to submit?

您的组织将需要提交批准的501(c)(3)状态证明. 您的组织可能会被要求提交概述董事会及其角色的运营文件, organization location, and purpose. In addition, 您可能需要提交与您申请资助的项目有关的文件.

13. I am an individual requesting financial support. Can I apply for a grant?

Gainwell Cares provides financial support to nonprofit organizations. Individuals are not eligible.

14. 我的资金申请不属于Gainwell Cares的任何战略重点领域. How do I submit my request?

To be considered for a grant, 你的组织必须符合Gainwell Cares的六个重点领域之一.

15. Why might my funding request be denied?

Grant requests may be denied based on the volume of requests received, or because the request doesn’t align with Gainwell’s mission.

16. May I apply for multiyear funding?

Currently, Gainwell Cares does not approve multiyear funding requests.

17. What if I miss the deadline?

Please apply during the next open grant cycle.

18. If approved, when will I receive funding?



根据美国国内税收法或国际同等法规,具有501(c)(3)和509(a)免税地位的组织被邀请申请Gainwell Cares资助.

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